Casa Rara Studio

Casa Rara Studio

CASA RARA is an interactive studio employing cutting- edge tech to create products in AR, VR and video games. We offer development services and co-production to partners interested in delivering meaningful experiences to audiences worldwide.

  • Field of work
  • Production, Services
  • Media
  • Digital and interactive media
  • Sector of activity
  • Animation, Children/Youth, Educational, Entertainment, Fiction

Productions completed

Museum of Symmetry (VR)

Paloma Dawkins
English, French
Year: 2018
Running time: 20

Le Facteur de L'espace (Pilot) (AR)

Guillaume Perreault
English, French
Year: 2018
Running time: 30

Tegg's / Westwind (VR)

Jeff Barnaby
Year: 2017
Running time: 04