In Flames
In Flames
Production company
City Lights Media, Canada
Fae Pictures, Canada
In Flames Productions, Pakistan
Shant Joshi, Anam Abbas
Zarrar Kahn
Zarrar Kahn
Urdu, Feature film, Horror, 2022, 90 min
After a fatal accident claims the life of Mariam’s boyfriend, her grief twists into vivid hallucinations. She must choose to confront her past or let her nightmares consume her.
Principal cast
Ramisha Nawal, Omar Javed
Nomination(s) & award(s)
Cannes International Film Festival, Frontieres, 2022
Busan International Film Festival, South Korea, 2022, MPA-AFA Award
Busan International Film Festival, South Korea, 2022, MPA-AFA Award